She created a huge following based on her genetically big arse and small waist. Sold generic ebook fitness guides so you could look just like her, a la Sarah’s Day.
Couldn’t get into Oxford despite her elite 1%er education so she resat her exams and got into an easier course that she claims she got a scholarship for. Which is true actually, she got a £100 scholarship.
Claims she started from nothing even though her parents are multi-millionaires, her grandfather her was a Lord worth £100m, and she got the best education money could buy growing up in the elite world.
Started a sustainable activewear brand from scratch but actually another company did all the work and she put her face on it. Glorified merch.
Of course, it’s not sustainable in any way. Lied about the factories, no transparency, the leggings rip on first wear, can’t be recycled, supposed to be affordable but they’re priced the same as Lululemon, uses marketing tactics that promote consumerism etc, etc.
She would fly from London to Paris every week to see her boyfriend instead of getting the Eurostar. Bought a massive house and spied on her roommates. Got a designer puppy she claims was adopted etc.
She has a wiki but it’s not complete.
Grace and her fans will often claim she is fully transparent about her privilege. Over the years, Grace has acknowledged she is privileged - but only by saying vague stuff about how she is white, that she is privately educated, and she is “lucky” in many ways. But Grace is no bog standard...