Rant ahead: The way she distorts her body is so damaging to her viewers. It's misleading because her workouts are obviously not giving her results she pretends to have in her actual posts. If you didn't follow her stories and see glimpses of how different her body looks when she's not contorting and angling it for the camera, you could believe her body weight workouts and supplement based diet are actually having decent results on her figure (and saying things like SnEaKy tomato sauce is giving away your ED Sez). I don't think the amount of time and effort she puts into her fitness is making any meaningful difference to her appearance (not that this matters but it does seem important to her from all the body checking). She has spoken negatively of body building many times in the past saying it makes you bulky but if she actually did some consistent strength & conditioning work she would see way better results. Also, the way she always flamingo poses is so irritating to me because this obsession with thigh gap is not only ridiculous but not even enviable. I had a great thigh gap for years when I had bad knee injuries and couldn't do any decent lower body weight lifting. My legs were thin and weak. I no longer have a thigh gap because I have functioning, strong and muscular quads and glutes. I wish she would get some proper education and not promote this nonsense to her impressionable young viewers.
Your rant perfectly said everything I've been thinking recently!
Not everyone loves lifting weights, so I completely understand if you'd prefer to do bodyweight workouts or cardio if that's the case. But Sarah's hatred of lifting anything over 20lb seems directly tied to her ignorance of basic exercise science, and her aesthetic goals. The fact she thinks lifting weights makes you bulky is the sole reason she's currently obsessed with pilates (imo at least). I'm sure her ultimate goal body is a super lean, long, "toned"
body like Victoria Secret models, and a lot of those models have the same avoidance of weights and pilates obsession. Which is such a misinformed and honestly worrying stance from a self-proclaimed "fitness influencer". If she actually got some education in her field of interest, she'd know that lifting a varied range of weights is a great way to get a lean body, and (in my personal opinion) less effort than doing crazy bodyweight hiit sessions twice a day everyday. Like she could lift heavy-ish weights 3x a week, while still running/pilates, and see a huge difference in her body, because a) she'd be utilising progressive overload, b) she'd give her poor body time to rest, and c) she'd be adding muscle mass to her undernourished body, and therefore she'd be able to eat more. I honestly think that's why her body, while super lean (and still great!), doesn't look AS fit as her workout regime should warrant; she lacks muscle mass, and has that skinny-fat body (me too, sis).
I'm around the same age as Sarah, so I grew up with VS models being the ultimate body goals. I do understand why it's hard to get out of that mindset that your body should look a certain way. But I've also accepted that I'm not a 5'9 willowy goddess, and that my short ass will never look the same as theirs, and will never have a thigh gap, even if I copy their super strict diets and exercise routines. I wish Sarah would realise that too, and I especially hope she'll stop promoting the rhetoric that even looking at a dumbbell will turn you into the Hulk.
TL;DR: I agree lol