Someone needs firing
She’s really embraced the typos for engagement strategy.Someone needs firing
Sarah’s sick and she thinks it’s the flu?? Has she not had her flu shot? With a baby who has been in and out of hospital his whole life, if it’s the flu, anything that happens to him as a result is on you Sarah, you selfish prick.
Also surprise surprise, your son comes out of hospital and the first thing you do is take him out and expose him to a bunch of people (AGAIN), and then what happens? He possibly will get sick (AGAIN)
ETA: this is off her stories she’s just posted
Braids and her handling of the aftermath.The unsubscribing point for me was M prenatal genetics test video. At which point did you all unfollow/unsubscribe ?
Yeah sorry you’re so right! My post needs clarifying, I only say this because I’m 99% sure she’s antivaxI know it's always possible to get a different strain of the flu than the vaccines covered that year, but I have a feeling Sarah never gets any vaccines.
Weekends are for letting the laundry pile up so she has content for the coming weekI think it’s safe to say the DJ Sezzdog no longer posts on the weekends, here’s hoping she extends that to include Monday through Friday.