Hey All, long time lurker first time poster. Apologies in advanced for the long post.
Unfortunately I’m saddened by this day and age of social media and their complete lack of regard for the rights of the child/ren when it comes to sharing/over sharing of their children. As an ECE (early childhood educator) part of my duty of care is to follow the Convention of the Rights of the child (
https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/convention-rights-child link for those unaware of this) and it pains me to see that they don’t advocate for their child’s 100% right for privacy no matter their age and what it could/would look like for them as they grow up and discover their own identity. I’ve read peoples comments on now deleted concerns under Instagram posts of people defending their choice to show what they want about their children, and yes parents have that right to an extent and I can’t stop them from making those decisions, but what about the right of the child to preserve his or her identity, including nationality, name and family relations (taken from article 8) they aren’t old enough to make that informed decision and for a parent to make that decision to share any and all of their child in such intimate moments plus their location most of the time, is just asking for people to become increasingly obsessed and unhinged and do god knows what to be a part of these children’s lives. What is it going to look like when these children decide to use social media and they don’t like what their parents have shared about their infant life/childhood. They can’t just delete it and it will disappear like it never happened.
Sharenting as it seems to be called now (
https://www.humanium.org/en/childre...age-of-social-media-the-perils-of-sharenting/) unfortunately starts before the child is born and creates their digital footprint and online identity, which makes it easier and easier for people to gain access to young children. Take Stan Insta pages for children, adults sharing any and all pictures of someone else’s child is disgusting, these people may have harmless intentions of creating these pages/blogs/posts etc but what about the percentage that don’t have harmless intentions. These children are being put at greater risk and it sickens me that influencers and family vlogging channels are taking advantage of their children without their consent or wellbeing thought of.
Influencers/celebs and people who share their children online need to rethink and be careful about what they actually post because this could/will impact their children for life.
influencers and families bloggers just need to do better when it comes to their childrens lively hoods.
RANT Over!