I know some very, VERY fit people can sometimes get quads with that much definition but it's weird to only have that kind of "sculpting" right above the knee. We'd also have seen the progression in recent pics if her legs were truly that developed. That's not a post-workout "pump." Honestly, it looks more like when my rheumatoid arthritis was active. My knees and all around them would balloon with fluid that'd have to siphoned off with a syringe
All that is to say, that photo is serving "girl, what happened?!" vibes instead of "look how cut she is!!!!" vibes
ETA: I do agree with others that it's more likely an effect of contortion than photoshop, though. Even more pitiful that she is flexing that hard and the rest of her quads are completely devoid of any definition because of her restrictive dieting and over-exercising.