Sarah This Mama Life #34 Greetin Faced Ungrateful Cowbag



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I’ve never actually created a thread before so I hope I’ve done this right!

On searching the ‘most liked’ posts on thread #33, embarrassingly it was my suggestion that came first.

Brief Recap:

* Sarah still moans about everything
* Sarah still adds “ha ha ha” to every comment
* She’s still passive aggressive about Content because she can’t control his sleep schedule
* Rob still can’t do anything right even though he’s home now
* Sarah undertook late night upcycling/paint projects again - yep, even though she’s tired she won’t go to bed. They’re having their house valued for a move abroad when Sinbad next deploys.
* Sarah still begs for engagement
* Sarah is out of the house all day every day and Content spends his life either latched on or lying down flat in a pram
* Isla’s friend came back from Holland but Friday night Costa dates with her and her Dad haven’t resumed…yet
* Sarah couldn’t bear to even cheer on England in a light hearted way in the Euros, in spite of the fact she lives in England, her husband is English and her kids are half English. Spends a short time in Holland and they were her team after Scotland got knocked out.
* She logged onto her work emails and had at least a gazillion. Ha ha ha
* Content is on a highly controlled weaning journey. Concerned Tattlers believe he isn’t sleeping because he’s hungry

I know I’ve missed out stuff so please add below!

I was only thinking of this numpty on Saturday, I was minding a firends baby he's was born the same time an Connie, but was 9 weeks early, he is breast and bottle fed I eas minding him on Saturday gor his mum and he had formula all day long she couldn't get over how well he slept the whole day, no she's giving up breast feeding he's happier without the boob