I gave up following this one about 6 months ago cos I just couldn’t be dealing with the constant me, me, me. But a friend told me earlier about the PCOS diagnosis and the dramatic spiel that came with it and I just had to comment. Having being diagnosed with PCOS almost 20 years ago and having every symptom probably possible (excess weight round the middle, excess body hair, low mood, excruciating periods - which are now thankfully regular after years of 1 or 2 a year, infertility) I call absolute bullshit on any doctor stating after 1 scan that she needs the cysts removed!
I’ve had more internal scans than I’ve had hot dinners at this stage and I’m sorry now but I don’t buy it. I suffer recurrent miscarriage which for 5 losses was put down to being unfortunate. Until they finally realised my progesterone is practically non existent. A simple suppository in each pregnancy would possibly have prevented my losses as it’s what makes baby stick. I’ve had years of Metformin and am currently on daily injections on top of this. But I get up, get out and work my 50 hour week every week because I have to. I asked my gynae and endocrinologist in the past about ovarian drilling to get rid of my cysts and was told they would be extremely hesitant as there is a severe risk of damage and scarring to the ovaries which could further affect any chance of fertility. So I doubt from 1 scan she’s being told they need to be removed. Sorry for the essay girls but it’s honestly boiled my blood hearing this tonight