She's tapped. She can't seem to cope without attention and clings to anything at all that she feels with give her attention/ sympathy.I said that and I believe it. I know a girl exactly like her.. never content unless there is a drama or a health issue, constantly in the doctors hoping to be diagnosed with something for another add-on to her personality. It’s really, really sad! As someone said earlier.... she was grand in the morning and suddenly she got these results and had to take to the bed, proclaiming herself to be a very sick girl?? Absolutely bonkers she is imo
The constant breadcrumbing to garner sympathy /attention, depending on situation from the break up, to the co-parenting, to the new romance to the taking to her bed when she got some test results.
It's Luke I feel for cos he is going to be tip toeing around her for years to come depending on her mood .Its sad