I know everyone has different levels of being busy but shes actually be so insulting to even her own family that run actual businesses. I actually work full time (46 hours per week OUT of the home) I do not have children but we have my partners child 4 days a week.
Sarah, here is some advice:
*We have take out every Saturday as a treat. *I batch cook one mince dish(bolognese, chili, lasange etc) once a week, double and put one in the freezer for emergencies or lunches
*I make a Sunday dinner once a week and in that time chop and prepare my veg for the rest of a week.
*Monday is our busiest day, we have a stir fry or even a quick curry. This never takes more than 20 minutes
*Tuesday is ALWAYS tacos, not the healthiest but again quick and we load up on beans and veggies and my partners child loves them
*Wednesday is either salad or soup, my veg is prepared from the sunday and I throw into the soup maker that takes 20 minutes or throw together a salad
*Thursday is our mince night so either with pasta or salad etc.
*Friday is always some sort of fish, rice and the rest of the veg that I prepared Sunday.
We serve our meals when my partners child with us open and free, we don't force but expose him to as much foods as we can. He will have a glass of milk with every meal or water. We will fruit laid out for him too incase he does not like what we are having be still encourage him to try not force. My partners child will never see either of his parents 'syning' or calorie counting. Oh and me and my partners ex get on great because she has never bashed him and we all have the child best interest.
My partner as of the last 6 months does zero of the cooking as he works even more than I do atm. This works for us even though we are busy. You are not insanely up the walls busy sarah. You're using convenience and thats fine but stop making excuses. It's so important to sit down with your child at dinner time as much as you can and have a distraction free conversation and for your child to have the habit of eating well and healthy, to have you present and engaging.