What really pisses me off is how little awareness this one has, her audience is presumably majority women, many of whom are mothers, many of whom are working from home or trying to homeschool. And she comes on then telling us how hard her life is? Read the room Sarah. We’ve all been in this pandemic since March, sorry you’re only catching up with reality now!!! I spoke to my cousin briefly last night for a quick catch up, she has two small kids, she’s working a high stress job at home and is pregnant. Her husband is gone at 8am and home at 8pm when kids are already in bed. She can put kids into crèche as an essential worker but is torn over what to do as there are high cases in their area. I feel so bad for her as I could hear the tiredness in her voice but she is keeping going and not complaining. She felt worse for me because I’ve 4 kids at home, I’m doing a small bit of online work but it’s very minimal at the minute and just trying to get through homeschool while entertaining the 4 year old and keep a house and us all fed. My partner is great but by the time he gets home we’re both shattered. It’s not a competition of who has it worse. We’re blessed to be healthy and happy. There’s nobody dropping us bodyfuelz meals. There’s no Mc Donald’s delivery midweek for the kids lunches. Sorry for the absolute rant. Ye are all doing a great job, whether ye are working or not, parents or not, single or not. It’s not easy on anyone. Now, I really am unfollowing her this time for my own sanity