@rosieshouse I know and it really needs to be highlighted and she should be held accountable. She has zero empathy for people...unless there's something in it for her....I rem being in the bar one day and a music artist who had dropped in tickets for a gig she was having in the city popped in to see if any of the tickets had sold and Hola Randy telling her in the meanest most horrible way that "sorry but nobody is interested in going to your gig" if she had an one of decency she'd have let the girl down in a nicer way..... a mean
Oh for f**k sake.....look at the puss of her
Quite scary looking in that pic
Wonder if people are commenting about all this on any other forum...lots of people won't know about this and it could go unnoticed and she get away with it.... didn't she have something on her insta a few months ago about bullying??