I’ve read it back an thought wow. Ramblinggggg! So ungi‘s second name isn’t even ungi. He is like there 3rd cousin but pretends to be a ungi. Because every knows the ungi’s in Liverpool. Val deffo thought she was in with the gangsters. She asked for £20k to drop the chargers but he paid her £5k
I can’t seem to find the selli post on here.
Can some help I can’t seem to get the hang of this if some one knows who am on about can they please tag the forum it’s on. She was the blonde girl who was absolutely pissed on holiday. Giving val down the banks on her story.
I can’t seem to find the selli post on here.
Can some help I can’t seem to get the hang of this if some one knows who am on about can they please tag the forum it’s on. She was the blonde girl who was absolutely pissed on holiday. Giving val down the banks on her story.
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