Chatty Member
agree. They always think they are the victim and been done wrong by others. Easier for them to live in denial than face the truth.Them videos are absolutely brilliant. duck monopoly, me and fam spent an hour yesterday coming up with rat gerl songs. I've told the kids this is why you don't take drugs or post your hole on the internet.
Being serious though Sallie is the type of person who doesn't know how to love, they don't have it in them the same way we do, they don't feel remorse, guilt or regret. It's all about them, their importance trumps everything and everyone else, and so the only way they can feel something is by drug taking and having sketty pervs give them validation. When she accuses others of doing the things she has done herself is called projecting, she doesn't see the hypocrisy like we do. The saddest part of it is that she will always be like this, she will never get her tit together, she will always be a toxic disaster and ultimately, she will die old and alone.
I have no sympathykarma catches up with them in the end ! And that Karma will be her kids havinf no respect for her...
when they are babies they just want love form their mum.Soon as they hit secondary school and realise their mum put drugs and men first that will be it.
ive seen this happen to someone whose kids now can’t stand her and she even tries to play victim to that. Everyone has turned her kids on her.... nah hun it was all your own doing. This will be exactly what happens to Saggy Sallie