Is she trying to pretend someone else is in the room with herRaspy voice and coke bloat face
bleeping disgrace.
Once she made me text her things so she could post it on instaIs she trying to pretend someone else is in the room with her
Probably speaking to her several personalities the daft bleepIs she trying to pretend someone else is in the room with her
Lol it’s laser hair removalhonestly I would love to know the secret to this shave more than once a fortnight and the shaving rash is no joke. HAS to be photoshopped out
Just about to say that. what does she say is she saying sutton about london life or I am hearing it wrongIs she trying to pretend someone else is in the room with her
Eww look at all the empty cans on the side drawers! She is dirty aye Sal you look fresh as duck! She’s in the classic morning phase of fear the one where you are telling yourself that it wasn’t that bad and you’ve managed to put clothes on so life is good, give it another few hours and her head will be melted and she will be under the duvet with the shakes!Raspy voice and coke bloat face
bleeping disgrace.
Scummy Mummy....them poor girls. They are going to grow up with their own issues bless them!She hates being a mum. Shes snappy with her kids. Gerrard once rang SS on him self when she want turkey to get her teeth done. He was pissed at her for leaving him with his daughter and he was threatening her he will call SS to get savannah taken and then he called them and her mum had to go get the baby. This the man she loves wow. Thing is she is as bad as him. She has screamed like a fukim banchee in while holding that poor baby and shes smashed her house up. Hes grabbed her and shoved her while shes had the baby in her arms.
She only wants her kids for pics. She used to buy them things and now
She hardly buys them anything. The money she spends on her self is a joke and her kids get the scraps left over. She is a bad woman. She should have never have had kids. She never wanted kids. She had them for attention.
It was just a new thing for her. But she has never ever been a mum to
Them kids
Definitely. She’s all alone. What a sad actIs she trying to pretend someone else is in the room with her
Every day ?