Sali Hughes #67 The Girl With The Chanel 3392 C714 Dark Tortoise Pantos Womens Frames!

MrDragName is wary of kissing me when I have red lippy on because it tends to transfer. But I think he has no strong opinion either way. He doesn’t have an objection/dislike of me wearing it but if I made an announcement that I would never wear it again, he would just shrug and wonder what I was bleating on about this time.

I mean, MrDragName is obviously one man out of the however many millions there are on the planet, but that’s probably the most common sort of response, no?
I think I've said this here before. Ten years ago I went to a panel discussion at Selfridges that SH was leading on the subject of ageing. Also on the panel were IK, CH and Pearl Lowe. At one point SH said something along the lines of 'I wouldn't bother with make-up if it wasn't for men'. This was met with a sort of shocked silence from the other panel members and she giggled nervously. It was an odd moment.
I think I've said this here before. Ten years ago I went to a panel discussion at Selfridges that SH was leading on the subject of ageing. Also on the panel were IK, CH and Pearl Lowe. At one point SH said something along the lines of 'I wouldn't bother with make-up if it wasn't for men'. This was met with a sort of shocked silence from the other panel members and she giggled nervously. It was an odd moment.
So one of that group was a smackhead and one a weirdo apologist, yet she's the person saying the maddest tit.
I think I've said this here before. Ten years ago I went to a panel discussion at Selfridges that SH was leading on the subject of ageing. Also on the panel were IK, CH and Pearl Lowe. At one point SH said something along the lines of 'I wouldn't bother with make-up if it wasn't for men'. This was met with a sort of shocked silence from the other panel members and she giggled nervously. It was an odd moment.

Yet make up has always been a great passion of hers? Maybe she just changes the shite she spouts to suit the audience.
Caption this:


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I’d be interested to be pointed out some actual journalism from her. She’s deluded if she thinks those columns are journalism FFS. the Lady I used to work for back in the day from 2011 onwards always saved the weekend magazines from the papers for me to read. The Saturday Guardian was one of them and, being interested in makeup, I used to read her columns. I remember being distinctly underwhelmed of a few paragraphs that actually said very little, if anything, of substance.

As for one of the original influencers with actual substance, I worked in Space NK back in 2000 (the good old days of the company, when it was still fresh and the products were still exclusive to Space NK) Apart from the visits from the witch area managers from hell, we had a great time and it was so much fun. Every Saturday morning we would have plenty of women coming in with a copy of the Times Saturday magazine asking for a product Nigella had recommended. Nigella knows how to write beautifully and she was hugely influential at the time.