Urgh Sali's is such a hypocrite!
There is so much evidence that she herself has publically shamed and made some pretty catty comments herself on public platforms. Did DP and EWs reputations not matter at the time, like Sali's suddenly does now? She clearly enjoyed shitting on other women in return for retweets. Now she's 'going through absolute hell', because a few people on an obscure website (that she probably found whilst googling herself) speculated on a few topics which she herself has brought up excessively in published articles, interviews and on social media.
The Diane Abbot tweets makes me feel sick, and stink of racism. Now there is a woman who has actually gone through absolute hell from trolling. Judge her on her polical contribution fine, but not her bleeping vagina.
Sali was a contributer that trolling. The trolling that resulted in her needing to take time of work as she was ill. I wonder how DA's family and children would feel seeing that disgusting tweet?
The campaign of hatred towards DP was so cruel and public, it obviously had a very negative and profound impact on her life, and im glad she seems to be doing well.
The public revelling in LL's departure from the Guardian was uncessary and cruel too.
Looks like you're an even bigger skidmark than the rest of us Sali, hope you're proud.