Sorry, perhaps I should've summarised! lol!
I agree with you though, Safiya's channel hasn't ever been a continuous stream of videos, I don't see what the difference is between then and now and as harsh as it is, this whole pandemic can't just be an excuse for the lack of videos because she wasn't producing that much content beforehand either! I do feel for her if being quarantined has affected her mental health though, I didn't realise she was so isolated from both her and Tyler's family.
She reminds me a lot of Daniel Howell, reading through that post, actually. He's stopped making videos as often as he once did, because he holds himself up to this high impossible standard and then gets defeated if he films a video that isn't up to this imaginary standard. In cases like that I think umm-ing and ahh-ing over content doesn't help... you just need to rip the plaster off and go for it!