Safiya Nygaard

She has in the past given away loads of the ‘Frankenproducts’ to subscribers. I think it was the lipstick. I’m sure she made LOADS of it and gave it away. She did it with something else too and I can’t think what. I think that’s nice and although not the most environmentally friendly thing to do at least she‘s not making things and then keeping them never to be used. I think that’s just as bad if not worse.
I remember a couple of months ago someone tweeted asking if she was and OK and she said no but I don't think she elaborated. I had thought maybe she was pregnant but not sure how that would make her incapable of doing her job?

Found the tweets but she has said she's going through stuff.
She just posted an update post on youtube which contained a link to a blog where she explains where she's been:

She just posted an update post on youtube which contained a link to a blog where she explains where she's been:

wow that's a long post.. I skimmed bits, I don't get how they were so chronically behind all the time? even before this hiatus their posts were sporadic at best
Sorry, perhaps I should've summarised! lol!
I agree with you though, Safiya's channel hasn't ever been a continuous stream of videos, I don't see what the difference is between then and now and as harsh as it is, this whole pandemic can't just be an excuse for the lack of videos because she wasn't producing that much content beforehand either! I do feel for her if being quarantined has affected her mental health though, I didn't realise she was so isolated from both her and Tyler's family.

She reminds me a lot of Daniel Howell, reading through that post, actually. He's stopped making videos as often as he once did, because he holds himself up to this high impossible standard and then gets defeated if he films a video that isn't up to this imaginary standard. In cases like that I think umm-ing and ahh-ing over content doesn't help... you just need to rip the plaster off and go for it!
Sorry, perhaps I should've summarised! lol!
I agree with you though, Safiya's channel hasn't ever been a continuous stream of videos, I don't see what the difference is between then and now and as harsh as it is, this whole pandemic can't just be an excuse for the lack of videos because she wasn't producing that much content beforehand either! I do feel for her if being quarantined has affected her mental health though, I didn't realise she was so isolated from both her and Tyler's family.

She reminds me a lot of Daniel Howell, reading through that post, actually. He's stopped making videos as often as he once did, because he holds himself up to this high impossible standard and then gets defeated if he films a video that isn't up to this imaginary standard. In cases like that I think umm-ing and ahh-ing over content doesn't help... you just need to rip the plaster off and go for it!
Don't worry I wouldn't ask you to do that lol. Do either of them have jobs outside youtube?
She just posted an update post on youtube which contained a link to a blog where she explains where she's been:

I thought it was a very honest article. I can imagine that other content creators feel and felt similarly. This stuck out to me: "I don’t know if it’s just the feelings of isolation or the growing sense of failure or what, but pretty much since quarantine started, and we’ve been separated not only from our families but also business contacts, employees, and general daily routine - I feel like I’ve fallen into my own thoughts and emotions, and it’s taken me months to figure out how to get myself out of that hole. I’ve had such a hard time waking up in the morning, getting out of bed, getting my day started, and feeling productive. It feels like what little structure and routine I had just flew out the window, and the days started melting away." She sounds depressed. I'm glad she's taking active steps to improve her mental health and I'm sure they'll both feel a lot better once they move closer to family.
i liked the video and it didn't feel any different to previous videos. in the picture of her and tyler she posted she looked sad, i sympathise with her because lockdown has been bloody tough. it will be good for them, i think, to move back to the east coast nearer to both of their families, i hope that she manages to get back on track and get some of herself back. i missed her videos a lot and like she said in her post, i watch her videos for the laughs and the entertainment to get away from my own demons for a while, so it must feel like a lot of pressure when youre not feeling so hot yourself. im excited to see the next videos that she says shes produced, and i hope she keeps it up. i am glad to see her and tyler back!
I think the reason her videos were so spaced out before is because they’re very packed. Take the candle video, they had to research all the different scents, buy them in store or online, then do all the scooping to get all the scents into one candle and make it. All of her videos follow this sort of format so it’s no surprise they take so long to produce. It’s sad she’s feeling down at the moment and probably feels all her videos have to live up to this standard, hopefully she feels better soon and doesn’t feel so much pressure to upload videos like that if she finds it hard.
Scrolling through random thread because I'm bored. Honestly shes my fave YouTuber and even if she only uploaded once a year she would still be my fave. This year has been hard for everyone, and I can imagine how hard it is to be someone like Saf who holds herself to this standard and probably feels like she shouldnt be doing anything other than work. At the moment there's loads of the "if you've achieved nothing this year it's your fault because you've had time" going around and its tit, people are allowed to be struggling and take time off