Zoe whelan went out with Andy Murray a few years backMcGregors sister is riding the Wig haha this isn't surprising at all. Aoife's ex husband was a convicted dealer/worked with the wig and all. Theyre all knee deep. Andy Murray (mcgregors mate) gaff got shot at few hours ago with a machine gun apparently (hes fighting with sophies older brother ian). Its all gone a bit mad. One of Flashys lad got flung in the boot of a car and stabbed over a watch last night only a matter of time before sophies single and looking for her next fella.
Also heard that those messages the Leah was sending stemmed from her being caught riding that young lad Fishy that got stabbed the other week. Dont know how true that is but at this stage would believe it
All the HUNS. Makking private accounts