And 18 for a boob job is so young! I mean your boobs could still potentially be growing!
Wendy is absolutely disgusting for supporting it by obviously funding it. As a mother she needed to build her confidence without surgery at such a young age. Every 18 year old growing up in 2000 and whatever wanted some sort of surgery, and it’s why so many look like clowns now. I can’t help staring at some young girls faces who look like they’ve had a terrible allergic reaction but they’ve obviously done it to themselves.
An18 year old that prepared to undergo surgery (where there isn’t an obvious disfigurement) - which is ALWAYS dangerous, needs to first work on themselves. Go to the gym, get a new hobby, get better friends to boost you. Anything other than being put to sleep, cut open and plastic inserted into u!
And now she’s going to need them redone for life because it’s not permanent.
And she’s had all this at such a young age, years before ever thinking about kids etc. god knows what all the things she’s doing will effect her body in the long run.
And it’s not like she had the boob job and was happy
then it’s the teeth, then the chin, then the nose, the fillers, the Botox or whatever name they call it so they can deny having x treatment.
U look back at pictures of u at 18 and go god what was I wearing, look at my hair.
its the same with bodies, she’ll look back and go, o
duck my tots and teeth.
She’s been changing her body for nearly ten years now
give it another ten and she’ll look like this