She definitely looks like she’s had some form of surgery to her nose, which I think is a personal choice and she shouldn’t be judged for that. However, if she tries to cover this up then there is an issue. Honesty is a big thing, and young impressionable girls can’t think that these influencers they look up to are born with perfect noses, lips, teeth etc.
I’m definitely no expert when it comes to nose jobs, however, it does look like she might have had a non-surgical rhinoplasty. This involves adding filler to the nose, in turn making it actually bigger than it was to begin with, but overall making the bridge appear straighter and eliminating the look of a bump/hump on the side profile. I say this as her nose does look built up rather than broken down. However, I can’t compare the difference fully as it seems she’s always edited her nose in pictures.
It is possible she had a surgical rhinoplasty, which involves a 2 week recovery period. The bandage is usually removed after a week, the scar is literally tiny and right under the nostrils where nobody can see it and it’s usually undetectable. The bruising is usually gone just after about a week depending on your bodies own recovery process. So it definitely is possible she recovered in the space of time she was away. However, if this is the case her surgeons advise would be to take a month off physical activity (standard), so if she had been for a run, as she claimed in her last video, she’s going against her surgeons wishes for the recovery process which also leads me to believe that it most likely was non-surgical procedure, which I believe has a less stern recovery plan.
In some ways non-surgical isn’t as bad as it is only temporary and results fade after about a year. Let’s hope she makes a video updating us soon rather than ignoring the matter and just moving on.