Ok, I have to do my monthly podcast rant, because the last one they just did with Amber Gill was probably the worst yet.
Can I start off by saying, what I am about to say is not because I dislike Ana/Saffron, it's because it is true. They both are crazily dull, unintelligent and have absolutely NO conversation unless it's about social media, tiktik, boys or dating apps. I feel Amber at least had a little personality & showed some sort of intellect throughout. Saffron & Ana spent the whole time going 'yeah yeah yeah' or 'wun hundred pacENT' I don't even think they knew what she was talking about half the time, and I think Amber definitely went back to her friends/girlfriend and laughed about how thick they both are lol, I thought she did well calling them out or asking them to elaborate on things as I don't think a guest has done that yet. All Ana did was go 'yeah i've never thought about that before' or 'yeah that's a good way of putting it' she literally has NO voice of her own. All either of them had to say about the fact Amber has a book out was, 'how long did it take to write' or 'that's crazy' doubt they've ever finished a book either.
Saffron is such a massive prude, you can tell she doesn't want to share a single thing that would put her in a bad light. She didn't say a peep about her tit book for starters lol. The podcast is meant to be all about revealing their secrets/deep chats/sex stories etc. but they're both so boring that the guests always carry the entire episode. Everytime it comes to revealing something, Saffron conveniently 'can't remember' or won't disclose any actual details. For example, when she said she couldn't remember the cringe chat-up line she sent and then Amber called her out and went 'yeah you can' turns out it wasn't even that big a deal, she's just so desperate to be seen as this 'girlboss' who doesn't beg boys for attention & is always the dumpee.
DON'T get me started on her slagging her ex off for being wasted (sounded like she made that story up for content though and it backfired) Imagine being with someone & exclaiming how much you 'got the ick' after they'd been drunk, she's such a snobby cow. Even Amber said 'is that not part of the fun though?’ and 'Would you not just take him home?' you could tell she was sweating trying to backtrack as she realised how bad it came across. Was the same when she said she didn't like guys who 'do the same thing everyday' and then scrambled when she realised how judgmental it sounded - not everyone can live off daddy's money & swan around playing 'work' Saffron.
They both bleeping suck, sorry. I am not a fan of Olivia Neil, but at least on her podcast there is a bit of actual jokes conversation & she doesn't take herself too seriously, these absolute drips don't know anything other than tiktok lingo or discussing 'the ick' good riddance to that tit show lol.