VIP Member
Your very right. I learned this behaviour from parents. Took me maybe 8 years to start getting out of it. too this day I still hear 'you'll get fat' if I say I'm getting a takeaway. Even though I gym 5 times a week and eat very balanced.Sorry this is long feel free to skip it!
For her to be as insecure as she is it shows things Wendy has said to her growing up has played a part in why Saffron is insecure and unhappy with how she looks. Social media has played a bit part cause her ‘job’ is to post pictures and to constantly be looking at yourself , taking pictures of yourself everyday everywhere you go and comparing yourself to other influencers that’s going to cause damage to someone mentally. She’s been on diets since she was like 12/13 can’t remember the exact age but I know she was very young. She didn’t need to be on a diet there was nothing wrong with her weight and there still isn’t she looks fine! she’s never going to be super thin cause her body isn’t build that way and that’s okay! but I wish she understood that just cause she’s not super thin it doesn’t mean there’s a problem with how she looks. It’s easier said than done to tell someone don’t be insecure you look fine cause she’s human she’s going to have insecurities but a lot of her insecurities wouldn’t exist or be as bad as they are if it weren’t for Wendy being obsessed with weight and speaking about food the way she does and the Barker family being so looks obsessed.
She can never enjoy a meal without mentioning what she’s eating , how healthy it is , how little she’s eating and always having to make sure people know she’s going to gym after she eats or a walk to burn off what she ate. She puts other people down for what they eat and how much they eat to make herself feel better and there’s no excuse for that cause that’s not a nice thing to do to try make other people feel secure.
I understand it’s learned behaviour from growing up hearing how her mum talks about these things it’s made Saffron have the same toxic mindset but life is so short and to constantly be worried about how you look and what you eat is no way to live. Saffron has a big appetite even though she’s a very fussy eater eats the same things all the time she enjoys eating she talks about food and thinks about food almost all the time and nothing wrong with that cause she looks forward to her meals but she pretends she has a small appetite and that she’s full when she isn’t there no way you can sit and eat a huge roast dinner one day and then the rest of the time act like a tiny of a meal portion has filled you when it’s clear on her face she’s still hungry but has made herself think she has to hide the fact she likes a big portion.
I did feel a bit sorry for her when she surprised Wendy with the birthday cake cause I didn’t like Wendy’s reaction going on about the fact she’s on a diet and talking about weight/calories or whatever she was saying there was just no need to ruin the moment like that. A slice of cake isn’t the end of the world nobody was forcing her to eat the whole cake but all she was worried about was calories. I’ve said before how I think Saffron will always be insecure and unhappy about how she looks because as time has gone by her insecurities have got worse.
She is not the only influencer to edit her photos to the extreme but if she was my sister or friend it would hurt me to see her edit herself like that I don’t think I could comment on her pictures hyping her up when I know she doesn’t look like that in real life cause by doing that people are only encouraging her to not like herself and to continue editing. I don’t understand how her family and friends can do that especially her mum. I’m not saying I would be trying to be rude or hurtful by not commenting etc cause I’m all for hyping people up with how they look but to know someone looks nothing like their pictures I would think to myself how unhappy they must be to do that.
What is with these damaging parents lol as much as we love them
I would love to see what she looks like in person because she looks different in every video and photo like wtf does she actually look like