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You can't just be sick and be with your family anymore, no you have to take an Instagram pic to show you care. God help us all
To be fair, she’s the wealthy one. Her parents owned a nursing home and I’m sure they said somewhere she got money from it. I mean her parents own a house in Florida and in the UK with the money they sold it for a managed to retire early and live in Florida six months out the year so I’d personally say Wendy has always been well offSaffron is just a chav with Darren’s big face but in Gemma Collin’s awful peroxide wig. Bet if Windy never got her claws into Darren and his wealth she’d be lounging around in her tracksuit all day - would be the female version of her good for nothing son Jeff. They’re all irrelevant idiots who need to get off social media. So embarrassing.
Didn’t they do that dancing show together before? Wouldn’t shock me!What do we think? Her and Tommy?
I just checked and they’ve unfollowed eachother so assuming they’ve broken up recently, her name on Instagram is bryonybriscoeAre Saffron and Tommy dating?
I thought Tommy had a girlfriend?!?!
I just checked and they’ve unfollowed eachother so assuming they’ve broken up recently, her name on Instagram is bryonybriscoe
Relationships usually go through tough times when people are grieving so she could of ended it and Saffron could be a supportive shoulder to cry onDidn't expect it to be him when the name Tommy came up. Poor Bryony only lost her dad 2 months ago and saffron commented on it. Wonder if bryony and Tom were together then
She is an alcoholicHas she been on the wine because that's an odd thing to write, thank goodness would have done the same job?!!
she looks like she’s intentionally pointing to her vagina not a good pose saffy bWtf is going on with her hand. She just can’t help but stick that stupid leg out.