I think the answer is that she has no intention of giving any of the pennies she may receive to charity. Grabby by name, grabby by nature.I had to come on here to post after her “preloved” page! Firstly when can’t she ever say second hand like a normal person! Secondly why can’t she just donate them to charity like everyone else?! I get selling baby clothes to help get a bit of money back but surely she doesn’t need to do that? And how do we know the money she gets for the PR items will actually go to Tommys?! Why not just give it to charity! I’ve never seen that before, selling items to then give the money to charity? Just cut out the middle man and give it to charity! And don’t get me started on the state and price of the clothes! I can’t believe people are dumb enough to buy these!! Rant over!!
I notice that nothing has been sold yet. Even with 90K+ followers.