I don't drink much as I don't like wine but when I am out I will def have a nice cocktail or sangria (I like wine and fruit, lol). And husband has beers at home . I imagine Rebecca is pretty controlling though and probably doesn't allow him beers. They host enough dinners, quite strange if they don't have alcohol at those.its weird that they BOTH don’t drink. Do you reckon he gets the beers out when she disappears off to bed at half 8 ?
I imagine Rebecca is pretty controlling though and probably doesn't allow him beers. They host enough dinners, quite strange if they don't have alcohol at those.
Right, it is like something out of The Handmaid's Tale. She has no life experience... no apparent struggle, student loans, breakup etc. It is good to go through those to build character. I would hate to be 26 and have never been through a breakup. It is better to get it over with when you are young. I wonder what her parents thought of her husband... If I was 16 and I was dating a 26-year-old, my parents would be freaked out. Why was he not with a woman his own age?Aged 16 a child, you start going out with a man aged 26. Married by 21, never had a proper job, now pregnant aged 25 - you've got to escape the Handmaid's Tale misery someone - but SEVENTEEN holidays?
I can't find it. How did you find that out? I think they met when she was fifteen or something. Why would he make her a director of his company when she is sixteen? As if him dating a sixteen-year-old when he was twenty-six wasn't weird enough.Hi all I’be been lurking a little while just reading but had to just chime in here.... anyone else done the search on companies house? It’s interesting! Their business which was her husbands is now “R&R online media”. A quick (and easy) search shows she was director of HIS business when she was 16! How old was she when they first started seeing each other if she was made director of his company at SIXTEEN?!