And most importantly, the main reason people have an issue with this kind of thing is, as she describes in the post, her job is an 'influencer'.
A girl in an incredibly privileged position who does not live in the real world who isn't afraid to gloat about it, is majorly cashing in and living off freebies with the sole intention of making others feel like their life won't be 'goals' unless they have all of these things.
That's how the whole marketing and influencer industry works. Influencing people less fortunate into thinking their life should look like RVK and they should have all these expensive things, flash car, big house, crazy amount of holidays when that just isn't real life at all.
It's just dirty advertising that can have such a serious impact on people's mental health and self esteem when they don't realise these people are living off hand outs just to make you feel like you should spend your hard earned money on the things that they wouldn't.