Nope, still there, just made her aware she needs to get used to purchasing outfits for one time use as when they get to school there will be many bought and used once.
I'm starting to think they don't have the money they want people to think they have. Its Roald Dahl day Friday at my sons school, I'll buy an outfit he will either half wear or not wear at all once he's got to school. Same with xmas jumper day, Halloween parties, there are all sorts of theme days at school you buy for, however my first thought isn't baby gap, its Tesco or Asda!!
I wonder with the money thing whether it’s her trying to seem relatable? You know the whole rich person plays poor thing?/ to try and make it seem believable that she’s just getting by on SMP? I know a few trust fund people who have £££ in savings but still play the skint card to be all woe is me. I wouldn’t put it past Grabby X