Sarivng2022 said:
This is what I don't get. I mean PS groomed the lad but RB is accused of actual rape by 3 different people. He's done well building his disciples in the last few years. But then even my hubby who is a decent bloke said 'innocent until proven guilty' but I don't think he's read much and he hasn't watched the doc either. Someone pointed out 1.8m watched the doc but he has 65m subscribers many of whom won't probably even have access to the doc or article if based abroad. GB news were frothing at the bit over PS and HE but are openly backing bRand! (And still employing Wooten!) Probably because his views align with theirs or they at least have a shared audience.
He has 6 million subscribers not 65 million. Negligible compared to the reach of some of these other creeps to be honest. Major downgrade in platform from when he was on telly