VIP Member
She’s not long back from a stress fracture is she? She’s like Charlie too and has to pull a silly face to make herself look thin as possible
She’s SO thin. And she glorifies it all the time. There is NO way she eats enough to fuel her training. She looks like she would snap if I just bumped in to herJust Helen Gaunt posting about eating disorders for NEDA awareness week in one breath then posting the millionth skinny selfie in the next.
Every single shot she takes she tenses her arms to make them look as bony and sinewy as possible.
Pretty sure it was also faster than her marathon pb pace which is crazzzzyyyy to do in “training” . She must be doing Manchester marathon but still 6 weeks off she may be peaking too soon.I don’t understand her at all! Posts how terrible her run was and how she was meant to do 18 but done 20 and fast too! How is any of that a bad run? What she even training for? but 100% she will be injured in the next few weeks!
Anna setting Issac up for a restrictive life, run commute daily to nursery and now he isn't allowed any chocolate. Let's hope the Nannas allow him some treats after all he is in there care frequently enough
She wont let him have any chocolate in case he dares to invade her binging stash. You just know she is a nightmare parent, i bet the nursery hate her and the grandparents and Kyle just give in to all her diva demands.