I work in km so went online and checked what the mile splits throughout the race and equivalent minutes per mile pace would be and then what time I’d need to hit 5k/10k/half/30k etc. totally forgot to write it on my arm but just about remembered them, you can also get paper pacing bracelets with them printed on or temporary tattoos. I had my screen set to elapsed time, average pace and lap pace with the intention of hitting the lap button at the mile markers but I totally forgot in the moment
I did try some running maths from the mile marker and elapsed time but got lost eventually because my maths skills are average at best and the target pace wasn’t a round number
I do think only having elapsed time and some paces (which may have been out but were a guide) but not having the distance showing was good as my watch was beeping ahead of the markers when I passed each 5k one. I not only didn’t stop my watch when I hit the distance, I left it running for a few seconds over the line as I didn’t want my watch time lower than my chip time on Strava
obviously it gave me a marathon PB on there that was faster than I ran but that’s not the actual PB
do these clowns think they can do a GFA application off their garmin time or Something?