Rosie Simpson

She said she shops every 3/4 days and she spent £260 on today's vlog. So she's spending a fortune on food. She's watching her cholesterol. What about her husband though? he's obese. The constant "hay my lovelys" is very annoying and fake.
The putting on different accents,is trying to come across as playful. I remember her saying she has a grocery budget of £1000 a month,she clearly spends well in excess of that,dome months must be double. The cholesterol business is rubbish,she eats so much high fat food,lots of processed. She regularly mentions eating foods,she knows upsets her digestion. She's definitely not the brightest,like so many of the large family vloggers.
Ive just watched vlogmas day 4,I just dont get it. This woman shops every day. Both myself and my partner work full time have well paid professional jobs,our mortgage is paid off,both sons have graduated university and happily working in the professions they love,so why would I be a nervous wreck if I spent money like Rosie, knowing I had no job,my hubby is a bus driver(for now anyway) and I had 7 kids at home and two dogs to care for.
1.54 on today's vlog you can see how grubby her house it. The skirting board and walls are a mess and no threshold between the living room and hall, and the hall carpet is filthy.
Infact further on in the vlog now and it's not a carpet it's a filthy stone floor with laminate flooring not properly fitted. The green paint is horrible.
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1.54 on today's vlog you can see how grubby her house it. The skirting board and walls are a mess and no threshold between the living room and hall, and the hall carpet is filthy.
Infact further on in the vlog now and it's not a carpet it's a filthy stone floor with laminate flooring not properly fitted. The green paint is horrible.
I think the dogs have peed all over the hall flooring,they appear to lock them out there. When 9 people live in a house,something isnt right if only 1 person does all cleaning. I dont for one moment believe her life is as hectic as she makes out,especially if shes joined a gym
Not sure what Im actually watching, vlogmas day 7 the Northpole breakfast,she's confirmed she feeds her kids an abundance of crap,sugar,fat and E numbers. I was shocked when she said they don't have a table,how can they do Christmas dinner for 11,with no table, the sofa probably only seats 5or 6. Vlogmas has done her no favours,only shown how lazy she really is and what crap she feeds her entire family
The novelty of vlogmas soon wore off, just goes to show she doesn't really comit to anything,also explains why she doesn't appear to stay in a job for more than a few months. Sorry, but breeding and pushing out endless kids is not a job,it's a lifestyle choice. Millions of people raise families,run a home and work. I think Rosie is just lazy and looking for easy money, hence pushing to have most of her school age kids diagnosed with something