Morning tattlers , well I missed a lot didn’t I !, just read through the last couple of pages and can only say my perception 1. So Zara came home on Thursday night for a quick jump on the trampoline and Rosie’s house has its own outdoor weather different to the rest of Glasgow then went back to the “ sister “ so top ma could sit in the hairdressers 8 hours then thoroughly embarrass herself pissed and coked up again , 2. This one let me be SA that one let me be SA bullshit bullshit bullshit for attention that’s never happened to you or you wouldn’t ever “ joke “ the way you do especially about your own children , 3. You’re absolutely vulgar and that lot laugh at you coz they believe the “ clout “ you bring is powerful I can almost guarantee they discuss you like we do when they hang up 4. Expect Zara Content today or tomorrow it’s visitation day