Rosanna Davison #2

I've been to plenty of funerals with kids of that age present, but I could make an allowance for her wanting to keep them home.

Her not going though, and gone to a play centre WITH them - no excuse. A family member, friend or childminder could easily have stepped in.

If I was a member of her husbands family, I'd be furious and would tell her that to her face.
She actually took her kids to a play centre the morning of her father in laws and their grandads funeral?!?
Completely warped. Must have a very cold heart.
I’ve gone down a rabbit hole….she doesn’t follow his brother on insta. There’s also zero mention or sight of any of his family (bar his brother) in any of their wedding photos.
Someone save me…
The Quirke family are notoriously private. Well..... The mother is and late father was. I doubt they wanted to be splashed all over Posie Rosie's insta.

Andrew (Damo/Ivor) has quite the political opinion on his social media these days. Poor Rosie doesn't want to rock anyone's applecart I'd imagine. She got enough slack a few years ago when they all dressed up as 'chavs' at a fancy dress. They came under fire quite a bit seeing as they appeared to be emulating or taking the piss out of the exact "type" that would frequent Dr. Quirkey's Good Time Emporium - the very type that helped the Quirke family become very wealthy.

Rosie is as bland, dull and insipid as they come. She may very well have a great relationship with Andrew but doesn't want to be seen to support his particular views by following him on social media. God forbid someone asked her a political question. Her head would burst.

She reminds me of this one:

(Beauty queen entrant asked to describe her perfect date - Miss Congeniality)

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Wes' brother Andy in response to an article about business for sale..

Rosanna is "NEVER" around their family😳☕


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