VIP Member
She sounds like one of these who hasn’t realised she’s “that” parent. Hopefully they’ll never let her book again.
Yeah I thought her boobs looked uncomfortably squashed..How obsessed is she that she can fit in kids clothes from Next! I say fit, the dress looks bloody tight on her!!!
Love the fact the school threatened legal action! Yes a child in Year 5 should take responsibility of where they are going after school. No a parent should not plaster the school name across social media. Does she decide to stop going on about the subject instead of reflecting where she and her son went wrong? No! Always someone else's fault. Shows Jimmy's level of expectation of his mum that she is always late - it took him 26 minutes to phone her (why does he have a phone anyway!).
She’s an absolute pain in the arse. It’s so dangerous shoving your kids all over the internet like she does, and now broadcasting to the local news that he walks home alone. How stupid can you be.