One question I’ve always wanted to know is why they continually braid valle’s hair?
I know Afro hair is often braided for maintenance and to protect hair growth etc, but I thought Rochelle’s curly girl hair cream or whatever it’s called worked wonders for curly and thick hair. Why doesn’t she use these products on Valle once in a while?
why also when she said it was so important to her to embrace her own curls, does she not allow her daughter to embrace her natural hair now and again.
I have Caribbean heritage and I have coarse, thick hair. I would have hated my hair braided continually as a child.
insaw a few weeks back they undid her braids, but it was for 1 day (if that) so she could have them re braided.
surely Rochelle’s target audience were her own individual children (with the curl cream etc). It seems like Rochelle is flogging this product for others to use, but then doesn’t use it herself on her own child because it’s too much faff and hassle having to maintain her hair in a daily basis!