Maybe she did get a bit cross and frustrated but what parent hasn’t?… I think that’s a bit unfair to say that especially if you’re solo parenting for a period of time- it gets to us all surely?!
Again cannot comment about the poster as noone family is perfect and I’m sure there is jealousy amongst them as there is with most families to some degree
I think they’ve found what works for them and personally I think a happy spouse makes a happy house…children should not be the first priority, ofc you love and cherish you children but being a parent doesn’t make you who you are, it’s a part of who you are and people forget that…. You cannot pour from an empty cup so self care is important and so is being a good husband and wife. I personally put that first and the rest follows according with an extremely happy household. The most recent comments seem to come from a place of envy if I’m honest…
I think parents being present in a child’s life is far more important than any parents work schedule/social life.
not being there 90% of the time is not great parenting.
you say how do we know she isn’t with the children…she documents it. They are at school all day and the in the last 10 days she has been to Paris and been out at night for 8 of those days.
I’m all for parents putting themselves first, but not every single day. Children need to have a bond and a relationship with their parents. Passing them off to a nanny 8 days out of 10 is too much.