Roadside Mum #9 Is this normal behaviour for RSM?

I hope that the unveiling of these dreadful folk at the very least prompts some of the followers to go 'hmm well that sounds unlikely, so I'll just google RoadsideMum to see what this map was'.

She's not half as smart as she thinks she is as, to a casual observer, these posts are likely to elicit a feeling of 'protests too much'.

I'm afraid the word still has meaning hun and it can certainly be applied to you.
This sort of stuff worries people like Louisa. As so often places like Tattle can be dismissed as jealous haterz, but then it turns out Tattle was right and it all comes to light - for example Monroe, Simon Harris, Depher (though in a large part that was people on twitter).
So grifters have a niggle of worry that threads here about them might be taken more seriously.
I hope that the unveiling of these dreadful folk at the very least prompts some of the followers to go 'hmm well that sounds unlikely, so I'll just google RoadsideMum to see what this map was'.

She's not half as smart as she thinks she is as, to a casual observer, these posts are likely to elicit a feeling of 'protests too much'.

I'm afraid the word still has meaning hun and it can certainly be applied to you.
“Hang on I thought Roadsidemum was really poor. Why would trolls by making maps of sailing clubs because of her?”
Poor Louisa tying herself in knots. People on the internet exposed an absolute wrong un like Depher. But don't trust people on the internet - they are criminal dangerous trolls 😂


Thinking of getting “desperately dangerous and extraordinarily twisted” on a tee shirt. Might wear it to Burnley Magistrates when our Jimmy gets fingered.

I am certain that Unheards favourite povvo non deliverer of books that over £20,000 (yes, that’s twenty thousand pounds) has already been collected on, and that is now about 2 years overdue, is definitely not a scam artist and grifter. Absolutely certain a regular cash app beggar that took the kind hearted public for thousands for a wheelchair on the premise of ‘paying it forward’ after getting her pip sorted but NEVER DID is DEFINITELY not a con artist. And OF COUSE the poor innocent wee slip of a thing, victim of DV, so threatened she has had to be under protection, fearful of her life, so she HAS to be anonymous is 100% not on the cadge for gin money….no no no! You must be mistaken!
The hamster, by all accounts, did not retire early
Didn’t the PDSA attempt to murder her emotional support hamster because they refused to keep subsidising the expensive meds for another month? I mean, the hamster was as old as a hamster can live for, and the pdsa is a charity providing free vet treatment and meds, the killer bastards.
I think the hamster resolved the issue by dying.