Roadside Mum #9 Is this normal behaviour for RSM?

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*pause for canned laughter*

Fictional cringe conversations with my genius kids RSM is definitely in my top 5 least favourite RSMs.

If I, as a young teenager, had used the word 'bleep' in front of my mum, her response definitely wouldn't have been to run wheel straight to Twitter (if it had existed) to fire off a cutesy anecdote.
I'm 38 and if I use the word bleep in front of my mum I get shouted at.
I'm 38 and if I use the word bleep in front of my mum I get shouted at.
Lol. If I used the word, my mother would be upset: both at my not behaving well "not a lady", but she'd also be confused/angry. She'd say, "Wooh, I thought you said it's a feminist issue that it's disgusting to call people a female genitalia."

I actually think WoohMother is correct.

So I won't do it again, but this Penis does rile me
Lol. If I used the word, my mother would be upset: both at my not behaving well "not a lady", but she'd also be confused/angry. She'd say, "Wooh, I thought you said it's a feminist issue that it's disgusting to call people a female genitalia."

I actually think WoohMother is correct.

So I won't do it again, but this Penis does rile me
I swear too much. Far too much. But I reserve bleep for extreme circumstances because otherwise it loses all meaning. I would never dream of saying in front of either of my parents and I’m 46.
My Mum says it all the time and so do I, she’s literally just said “see you next Tuesday” and laughed at me.
If I’d have said it to her as a teenager, I’d probably have got a slap.
Chef boy and I always say that to each other, too. We think it's hilarious. See YOU next Tuesday, we emphasise. No one else has ever twigged.

Once I was involved in an unfair dismissal case where the Applicant had written a handover email to new sales rep - her friend - with details about all the clients and including the clients' emails. To copy the email addresses, she cleverly typed them into bcc, intending to copy then delete. She described one of the clients as a See You Next Tuesday. She described another in racially discriminatory terms. You already know that she didn't delete the email addresses from bcc before sending to her friend!! She was dismissed. Her defence was that her two year old son ran to her laptop, pushed her aside, and pressed send.

The best part is that I had to explain to the presiding Member what See You Next Tuesday meant, and he repeated it several times for the record and it was a great day.

The Applicant's application for remedy was dismissed, by the way.

Back on topic, I just really want Unbound to be a decent publisher, to be transparent and real about their alleged work. I want RSM's zine published and I want the contributors (if any) to receive their £250.
My Mum says it all the time and so do I, she’s literally just said “see you next Tuesday” and laughed at me.
If I’d have said it to her as a teenager, I’d probably have got a slap.
I always laugh when people say "see you next Tuesday" innocently. Me and my dad say it intentionally to wind my mum up, of course 🤭

And, not quite to the level of @Wooh 's story, and not involving that word, but the Health and Safety manager at a previous place of work got a written warning for accidentally forwarding an email chain to a client which contained the finance director slagging them off. I have a suspicion she'd have been sacked if she wasn't the MD's daughter.
The HR where I work accidentally forwarded a reference to a guy I was trying to appoint. It wasn’t a good reference. I once accidentally sent a made up story about our boss driving his PA around in the dog cage of his Volvo by text to a random woman I line manage. I nearly died.

None of my stories end with me screaming at/ threatening to sue anyone, so RSM wins with the bantz I guess.
Today's drama. We're definitely, 100% getting the full story here.


The "have to keep the kids safe" bit is quite telling, knowing what we know of RSM's personality and anger issues...
So, imagine this.
The kids are doing canoeing lessons on a lake which has one narrow path access from the car park, around the boathouse, at evening.

RSMoaner emails a year ago. No reply. She does…nothing.

Friend emails last month, gets a reply, books krays in for dirst canoe lesson of 6.

This week RSMalaka rocks up trying to squish the chair down the thin path.

Canoe teacher says you need to email (coz we need to do a fire risk assessment/ask the parkie to open a side gate so you can wheel around the other side of the lake and not block the one fire escape path)

RSManiac says I did email (but not recently months or a year ago!) And other friend emailed (who probably didn’t mention a wheelchair-using RSM would be dropping in)

Canoe teacher said they weren’t aware, and it’s a H&S issue

she can’t name them as she’s being deliberately obtuse and he was Talking sense.
I just want to know why RSM’s wheelchair status needed to be mentioned at all in the initial e-mail?! I’ve signed my kids up for a number of sports clubs, most of which have waiting lists, and only needed to provide their information - once they were given a place I’d add any further information or queries like wheelchair access. Obviously it would be different if my child were the wheelchair user - I’d call them up in that instance to discuss before sending an application.

So. Much. Drama! Must be an exhausting life even without any medical conditions on top
To Whom It May Concern

Subject: Registration into Sports Activity Which I Cannot Detail Due to Privacy Issues of Genius and Model-Beautiful Children Definitely Not Diagnosed Medically but by Me* Respectively as Autistic and ADHD

I pompously advise that I require my two (2) children of small-t traveller heritage to attend the hitherto and aforementioned sporting activity on a date henceforth one year forward without any further information on a date and time as yet unspecified.

* In relation to the reference to "Me" in my easily clarified subject line above, I refer, obviously (you condescending bleep) to ME, the individual known as RoadsideMe, and not to the illness known in short form as ME, you bleeping head.

The Children will arrive in Amish style clothing and/or a fedora.

I will be in a wheelchair and my love (who is alarmingly similar to Toad of Toad Hall and drives A Nice Car) will disembark and reembark their presence but it may be A Friend who undertakes this DO NOT PRESUME TO ME YOU DISCRIMINATORY BASTARD TORIES task.

Thus, I accordingly advise that registration is now complete and I send you no compliments and recommend you DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT.

Signed (with no compliments as noted) by
RoadsideUpYourBum, formerly of the agency known as Reaching Out to Save the Lives of The Children of Syria; and Author of Unpublished Zine #Unbound
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