Rita Ora #2

Looks like a display in charity shop window. She really will put her name on any old shite.

As will Taika, who has been reduced to the description "Rita's Husband" on his Instagram story filmed for the Masked Singer today. It says a lot for the speed of the slippery slope to nothingness he's been travelling down since around 2020. His own hubris has a lot to answer for in his current decline, sure, but he really now just looks like a washed up guy, trying to cling on to his cool past, who married the ex-hooker and still thinks he's hot tit for getting her in the first place. Mind you, I guess in this case, it's Taika putting his dick in any old shite, given Rita's allegedly been with everyone and anyone else. Eww.
Rita at the MTV EMAs last night. Did she spill glue down herself and then fall into a skip filled with discarded hair extensions?
Poor old Taikia eh ??? From Oscar Winning film Director .. to red carpet dress arranger, for that skank.

Shows what happens when you leave (or in this case kicked out), by your supportive wife, and you marry someone who encourages you to stuff most of your cash up your nose.

I’m still baffled as to how someone, who has done nothing but released bad music, that nobody is buying … still manages to get work.
Absolute state of it … bog-eyed mess

Now I get why people like her—she is so cutting-edge and the first to take risks regardless if people like it or not. I guess all of us remembering those who did it back in the day, like Annie Lennox, Grace Jones, and countless others, are just misremembering.

It's actually Saint Rita of Hoeful who truly leads the pack, and everyone else follows.