Before Jenna says this, her and Josh whisper something to each other-could't hear what they said, but it's probably a "we should say what we wanted to say about telling people to leave us alone at the beginning of the Halloween party next week." 4:51.42
Jenna: So, umm tomorrow, or not tomorrow hahahaha, it's not tomorrow! So in a week from tonight we'll be at Mickeys not so scary and it's going to be an awesome night filled with lots of fun things and we're always running around from here to there because we want to show you all the things, umm, and we know a lot of our Hoppers are at the first party which is amazing and we love to say hi to you umm, and it would GREAT though, if we, you know, maybe not right at the beginning of the stream, if you can come a little bit later that way we can show you a bunch of the stuff right at the beginning (Josh: right at the beginning and then we can kinda relax a little bit) and relax a little bit and then we can meet as many you because we would love to meet you guys, so anyway, that would just be, (Josh: if that's possible) if it's possible (Josh: if that's possible we can make the beginning of the stream to show as much as we can) as much of the Halloween stuff as we can, cause there's a lot to get in in the Halloween parties and we want to try to do all the things, so, but (Josh: but if you're on your way out of the Park feel free to say hi real quick cause that'll be fine) definitely say hi, yes 100%, and we would love to meet you guys. For sure.