Such awful stuff to use as content. Of course malignant Sarah pops up digging for info and hunni dropping with faux sympathy.I had a suspicion that she had had kids taken away from her! Partly because of her stream of council-funded kidnapping conspiracy content, partly because she doesn’t talk about very many of her 10 children… where are they all?
A has been taken away, is almost an adult, and has clearly not been around to give her consent and yet still Reann shares her photos and private medical notes with the internet without regard for her daughter’s dignity. That says everything.
I’d take her away as well. All of the parading her in the press for her narc mother’s attention and sharing her private information online aside, this is a girl with complex needs and her mother and father spent so much time shagging and giving her 9 other siblings that they can’t realistically have had the time nor space to meet them. Not with another kid coming along with, it seems, even more significant needs.
I’ve done some digging. She says she’s not “seeing” A, and that A is in a care home. I’ve known someone fighting addiction and mental illness who neglected her child badly have her kid taken away, and she still gets visitation rights and contact. She visits at the foster family’s home.
The fact Reann hasn’t even got that, and is using her time to dress up in drag to perform on an online stage instead of actually fighting to visit her child, says everything I need to know. Fight for your own kid first, fight for the justice for everyone else later, no?
It couldn’t be clearer that she prioritises her blue tick and feeling like an important “activist” over her actual kids. It’s not about giving them a voice, it’s about talking over everybody and fulfilling her own narcissistic need for notoriety.
I actually feel really sad for A. She deserved better.
Such awful stuff to use as content. Of course malignant Sarah pops up digging for info and hunni dropping with faux sympathy.
STeaLiNg tO oRdEr. bleeping idiots who daily justify SS intervention.
I'm sure A is a lovely girl but the "elite couples who can't have children" () aren't going "yeah, we'll take a kid with complex needs from a poor family in Wales, please steal one for us, thanks," are they?
It's a long process of applying for funding for an elective place if needs are too complex/can't be met in the community and reams of evidence over years is required but yeh am sure social workers just nick them for shits n giggles.Yeah and no council is spending all that money on caring for a teenager with complex needs, who could be being cared for by her family, just for the hell of it.
They will have had good reason to take her away. There is no great conspiracy here.
I wonder if this is referring to foster caring?Good evening. Let's all enjoy Reann reposting a totally normal one shall we.View attachment 2810985 q
How much have her complaints been called vexatious here without any further insight other than what she posts herself but she's pissing herself with glee and googling compensation tables cos someone had the measure of her..feel so sorry for agencies who have to deal with the clown
Omg I read hoof in the jack monroe context here andIt's simply untrue the narrative she's spinning. Anyone in contact with kids professionally will quickly be in the tit if safeguarding guidelines aren't abided by. It's day one of teaching training. It's the reason the old coffee breath as they lean over you hand on shoulder is thankfully unknown to Gen Z. Things have changed so much from even when Reann would've been at school. Every school and institution has a written policy you can request to see. They are audited on it. Compare and contrast that with our youth. She's an ignorant snide tit chatting twit.
I reckon the teachers draw straws for who has to have yet another of her offspring in their class knowing she'll forever be outside hoof scuffing the ground ready to charge for her twitter audience of swivel eyed morons.