Rachel Gorry #26 Rachel & Polly Pocket go to Rome. Will Rachel ever spend time at home?

It’s soulless. A carbon copy of every other soulless room in the house. Where are all her things? Not that we even need to see it! Not even any photos on her wall like teens typically would have. If the tiny holes on the wall bother Rachel that much I’d say she’s fairly restrictive with what they can have on display

Rachel really has too much time on her hands, showing us their “styling “ of the shelves and how hard it was!

On another note, looking forward to seeing Adrian matching them all in his Christmas pjs 😆
Thinking she’s the tit with a million cushions and a tray on the bed and cheap ikea rubbish…. Back in your box Rachel. I also have ikea shite in my house but I’m not styling them with random stupid ass ornaments in a child’s room.
To think that she started the page as an interiors page? She has no clue, and is so behind with what's trending, or even a classically timeless interior.
Rachel really has too much time on her hands, showing us their “styling “ of the shelves and how hard it was!

On another note, looking forward to seeing Adrian matching them all in his Christmas pjs 😆
She'll be picking his up in the kids section 😆
To think that she started the page as an interiors page? She has no clue, and is so behind with what's trending, or even a classically timeless interior.

She'll be picking his up in the kids section 😆
It was never an interiors page. She started it under the guise of interiors while doing o.o.t.d at the hospital. Weird behaviour