
Why is she painting the walls and doing the garden!? Where is her husband?

Is he still off on the sick or is he away back to work now? He probably can’t do it with his “dodgy back”. He’s actually probably capable of doing it but by her doing it she 1. Has content and 2. Can lap up the comments of “you’re a superwoman doing all of that heavily pregnant with little ones”.
On TikTok talking about how heavily pregnant she is and how big her face is so she gets flooded with comments telling her how beautiful and glowing she is.
well they must be seeing something different to me then
Why is she painting the walls and doing the garden!? Where is her husband?
because shes desperate for contentent and begging for people to comment 'you should be resting' 'omg supermummy' etc etc
Obviously doesnt get any praise or attention elswhere
I have no interest in having a home birth but if I did I wouldn’t have my child there because it would mean having to have my in laws in the house and while i love them I don’t want them around when I’m in labour 😂 Lay-about Dale will be loving the idea of a home birth if it means he only has to “dip in and out” of the labour. Lazy sod will be sat watching homes under the hammer while Rachael is labouring in the conservatory with the midwife and his mum is running round after the kids.
I have no interest in having a home birth but if I did I wouldn’t have my child there because it would mean having to have my in laws in the house and while i love them I don’t want them around when I’m in labour 😂 Lay-about Dale will be loving the idea of a home birth if it means he only has to “dip in and out” of the labour. Lazy sod will be sat watching homes under the hammer while Rachael is labouring in the conservatory with the midwife and his mum is running round after the kids.
you can guarantee we have every second upaded to tik tok from the moment she has her first twinge to prob showing us her placenta afterwards.She'll be rolling about on a birthing ball fighting for air ' come give birth with me at 40 weeks pregnant as a mum of 3 with one on the way'
So is she saying if her husband doesn’t pass the medical tests he can’t go back to work? Surely you can’t just be on the sick indefinitely?!
you can guarantee we have every second upaded to tik tok from the moment she has her first twinge to prob showing us her placenta afterwards.She'll be rolling about on a birthing ball fighting for air ' come give birth with me at 40 weeks pregnant as a mum of 3 with one on the way'

She probably only wants a home birth so she can film more than what she’d be able to if she was on a ward with other women. She’ll set the tripod up and film a Timelapse of the full thing.

“Hi guys so I’m just checking in with you, my midwife has just checked me and I’m 3cm dilated”. “Hi guys I’m just popping on quickly to tell you the midwife just checked me and I’m 4cm dilated”…
I’d be surprised if her and Dale are still together in a year for that to happen. She’s so passive aggressive about him on TikTok. Hardly the attitude you’d expect from being married less than a year.
I feel like she just loves when people comment slagging Dale off for doing f all
She probably only wants a home birth so she can film more than what she’d be able to if she was on a ward with other women. She’ll set the tripod up and film a Timelapse of the full thing.

“Hi guys so I’m just checking in with you, my midwife has just checked me and I’m 3cm dilated”. “Hi guys I’m just popping on quickly to tell you the midwife just checked me and I’m 4cm dilated”…
oh for sure!
Cant wait for the update of her sat on the bog telling us shes losing her plug complete with description of contents or her knickers 🤢
'Hi guys,Just wanted to talk about something that I dont think is spoken about enough,mucus plugs!'
Its her 4th.. nobody gives a tit after the second lol. she’ll be pregnant again in a year
🤣so true' come dish up yer tea with me 34 weeks pregnant with 4 kids under 3 and one on the wayyy'
she’s going to milk the postpartum content for all it’s worth “spend a day with me x amount of hours, days, weeks, months postpartum” but my god I can’t wait for her to lose her personality trait of being pregnant because her relating every single thing to being #pregnant is boring AF. How is she not boring herself at this point.
she’s going to milk the postpartum content for all it’s worth “spend a day with me x amount of hours, days, weeks, months postpartum” but my god I can’t wait for her to lose her personality trait of being pregnant because her relating every single thing to being #pregnant is boring AF. How is she not boring herself at this point.
shes been pregnant for a year already I swear😭