I have no doubts about that. My point is that as a parent of an ND child, knowing many other ND children with different and complex needs, I would not leave my child with an unqualified practitioner. I’m sure there is lots of in-house training and B may very well be in the midst of her L3 but at school she has the benefit of qualified and experienced colleagues around her. The risk comes once she is working on a 1:1 basis, in an environment that is probably not risk assessed with a stream of other people and triggers. If you include W in that, the suggestion from Rach being he requires 1:2, I don’t think it is safe. What happens when a child dysregulates? Is a runner? A refuser? Who manages that properly and looks after the other children when B is chasing a runner up her path? She may very well have maybo training but nobody else in that household does, what happens if their instinct is to step in and injury occurs? My point is that I have no issue with experienced and qualified practitioners, in a properly assessed environment, but not entry level, social media wannabe.