You've never seen me jump ship because I've never been in any sort of argument or fights or drama online or on TT except this, so you show me where I have. I've spoken to Dianne last night and today, I told her how wrong I was and that I wanted to tell ppl how wrong I was as she was crucified but she said she didn't want that, even after everything I put her through and that in itself shows how decent she must be. Was I a complete
witch, absolutely, do I deny it, absolutely not, I've told people how wrong I was several times and that I shouldn't have jumped on the bandwagon without question. Did I know Kerry gave other people the number, no obviously I didn't as I don't know the girl Lauren or anyone else who called Dianne to find that out. Look, end of the day I have admitted and owned up to being so wrong, for being a complete fool for believing Kerry at face value and I've spoken to Dianne about it all, she doesn't want me to publicly apologise, me and her talking alone was enough and that she just wants to move forward. Yes I AM A
witch for what I did, I was more than that but I'm not evil like I'm being made out. I wasn't just making nasty comments for nothing, yes I made a comment when this very first came out saying I'd saw their comments to each other n I thought something was going on and almost instantly got a reply about my weight, my husband etc so I went off on that, did I go too far, absolutely and I am full of regret about. but Dianne wants to move forward and not look back and I told her that someday I hope I can make things right and I do. So you make what u want of that but all that matters is that I have spoken to Dianne in depth and put it to bed. But as I said at the beginning of this reply, I've been on TT for over 2years and never once have I ever been involved in drama, arguments and fights to this level, or any level, I've never outed anyone AT ALL or made nasty videos about anyone, I've always done just done funny stuff, never been in fights or arguments