Primrose Hill Gang #4

Pearl Lowe has a very nice house doesn't she?

In many ways Pearl and Danny Goffey seem a lot happier and more settled than the other Primrose Hillers. And also successful albeit in a different way.

I follow Pearl on Insta and her home and decor is just beautiful. So stunning! I really love her decadent style and try to emulate it in parts, albeit it on a much cheaper budget!
Any more tea on Pearl?

Pearl has been pretty good at spilling her own tea, her "All that glitters" book was basically back to back tea. She gave up the drugs and drink back in the early 2000's and lives a clean life out in the country and doesn't hang out with Primrose Hillers.

She is on Insta as is her other half, they seem to live nice lives, two big houses, a successful interiors business, loads of holidays, kids were at private schools. She doesn't strike me as being broke in the slightest. But if that is broke persons lifestyle I'd take it.
In her ‘All that Glitters’ book Pearl is jaw droppingly honest about her drug use whilst pregnant and as a mum of young kids. She stopped using before she had her youngest, Betty
They had a nanny to look after the children. If they hadn’t been rich then social services would have been involved.
She’s done incredibly well to stay clean