Sad people? This is a gossip site. We are not trolling her on her socials just commenting on here and having an opinion. She's actively sought out this site and thread and cherry picked the comments to screen shot. Holy moley she needs to read some other threads to see how vicious comments can be.
In my opinion Ali has led a privileged life as a white, male, middle class pilot. Ok, she wasn't living her authentic life but for the majority of her adult life she has benefited from white, male privilege. Her transition is possibly the first time in a while where she has had to face judgement, criticism and things haven't gone entirely her way (all completely unjustifiable and horrible) This is why I feel she comes across as passive aggressive, flouncey and arrogant. The go fund me was a joke. You would exhaust all other avenues before getting your begging bowl out - downsizing, getting a temp job etc.
That is my opinion. I am not obsessed with you Ali I am talking about you as you have put yourself out there to be talked about.