Tender & Tired
Chatty Member
Yeah that’s true. Notice she doesn’t wear Popsy dresses any more.I can't begrudge her it, to be honest. She really seems to be living her best life and giving back where she can.
Yeah that’s true. Notice she doesn’t wear Popsy dresses any more.I can't begrudge her it, to be honest. She really seems to be living her best life and giving back where she can.
Why is Danielle treated differently than Timara by people on here. I only see there posts and don’t see the difference myself? Is it because she makes more ‘effort’? It doesn’t sit right with me.
Thank you!Here's the full update, four whole screenshots.
I think it is because Danielle doesn’t post as much, compliments others, interacts with others - not just on her post. Danielle has shared her journey and been quite brave and honest.Why is Danielle treated differently than Timara by people on here. I only see there posts and don’t see the difference myself? Is it because she makes more ‘effort’? It doesn’t sit right with me.
Why is Danielle treated differently than Timara by people on here. I only see there posts and don’t see the difference myself? Is it because she makes more ‘effort’? It doesn’t sit right with me.
I agree, much better blonde.So Crazy door lady has posted a photo of her with a blond hair filter on..she actually does look better blonde think it really suits her!
Come on, who is the gay husband??
"Ya girl" I mean go nuts and live your best life Danielle but it's extremely cringey that they refer to themself that way.Here's the full update, four whole screenshots.
Here you are!
I was thinking the same orWhat is LARPing? Ludicrous Adults Role Playing? I hope it’s that
I thought she was stood with the TV judge guy! Judge RinderTo be fair, it's probably quite tough to look masculine whilst holding a giant, rainbow bouquet.
Live action role playWhat is LARPing? Ludicrous Adults Role Playing? I hope it’s that
I think I know who you mean. I spent a good five minutes on the train home this evening trying to work out what was going on. I hope no one noticed my stalking… and equally I hope no one was thinking I was admiring the dress! I am praying my boyfriend doesn’t look up what Fb groups I’m in for present ideas. He can’t understand my fake insta account that I use for hate viewing celebs and influencers, so he’s going to be really confused when I tell him I’m hate viewing dresses as wellthere’s a woman with either an awful wig or an absolutely mad combover