'Pixi The Crap Goth' On the beg

I did a bit of research into the dolls she buys......the goth dolls......they start at £300 each !!!!

I looked at her facebook and she was complaining that the garage roof was leaking....and they couldn't afford to have it mended...but, she was showing off her new £300 dolls...........with the excuse 'the dolls help my mental health'....hmmmm

What better way to get your garage mended by turning it into a 'studio'????? If Kori is having a downstairs room as a bedroom, why not use his upstairs bedroom as a studio? This is what other youtubers do. Pixi says one half of the garage studio is hers, one half is Kori's....they're not going to be using both sides of the studio at the same time........ :rolleyes: . What better way of getting your leaking garage repaired ....by saying it's for Kori

In part three of the reno, Pixi says her husband has gone out for paint and to pick her more dolls up....for her 'channel'
Wishlist updated for a sound bar and a portal to work the sound bar...........they need a lot of equipment for Kori's channel that is averaging 5k views per upload and Pixi's 900 views per upload. Pixi is wanting 100k subscribers - she's not going to get anywhere near that. The only reason Kori got to 200k is due to JD.....I know he's terminally ill etc but, people only watched to see JD
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They’ve done the studio reveal that allegedly cost thousands - thanks to PayPal donations. From what I can see - they’ve mended the leaky ceiling, painted it and put a carpet down. They’ve obviously done it on the cheap so they can use the rest on the laminate floor they’re wanting in the house. They’ve also made the step father a warhammer room for him to paint his models - hmmm yeah, I’m sure that was urgent! Looking at social blade, Pixi is getting a maximum of £400 a year for her YouTube channel. Kori is getting about £50 a month going on this month’s views. What I’m saying is - they should’ve sorted the poor lad’s downstairs bedroom first! He has difficulty getting up the stairs! It’s really pissing me off …
Stef the Alter nerd is trying to get pixi 100k subscribers - she got her 100

Today, pixi has uploaded a video of her son who is having difficulty breathing (his lungs sound full of fluid and he's not conscious)....he's so poorly and she's filming him????? It's so upsetting and he can't give consent to be filmed poor little lad......and she's asking for privacy?????????
He passed away today, she made a video thanking people for their support, yet also uploaded a doll video to her YouTube channel also earlier today after stating on Twitter he was nearing the end…it’s likely the video was filmed earlier but still seems inappropriate for her to be even thinking about YouTube right now. No idea where this one goes next, hopefully she will grieve appropriately for her child…although public support from the JD community seems to have bolstered the family in a positive, it can also be a distraction from reality and now is the time for privacy and grief not YouTube videos and conversations with strangers.

My criticisms of Pixie as an eco warrior and probable grifter obviously never extended to her son, whose behaviour on YouTube always showed an attitude of gratitude and a hell of a lot of maturity and positivity given such a dire situation. The attention was positive for Kori from the JD community and what JD did with that quick video changed his life for the better as the family appears to be quite cut off from society and he had not made lasting friendships due to not being well enough to be at school and having autism communication difficulties which added another barrier to making new friends.

Now his life has ended I hope that Pixie doesn’t use his passing to garner attention on growing YouTube channels or to request money, even for his funeral, the family should pay for that themselves, they’ve already had 2 garden makeovers, a caravan makeover and an additional room added to their house, that is money they get to keep and benefit from long term and also all the many toys etc that are no longer any use to Kori, including several games consoles…it’s not reasonable and will be a disappointment if she decided to go fund me a funeral. She should be asking for donations in Kori’s name direct to the hospice that cared for him.
RIP Captain - he was a wonderful boy - so polite and extremely grateful for people's generosity. Stef The Alter Nerd is in London, watching the Hollywood Vampires - I think she will upload to Youtube later tonight
Pixi said she was going off social media for a while and spendig time with her family - yet she's posted a photo of her hand holding Kori's hand just after he passed........
The inevitable go fund me for the funeral has already happened. indirectly of course…her friend the doll maker and manager of their YouTube channels has done it. £15k ask, nearly 28k received so far…and they haven’t yet shut it down. Interesting there is a £5k anonymous donation, which fans are wondering if may be JD’s team as it’s the kind of thing he would do.

The cynic in me…yesterday it was revealed that a blanket with photos of JD fans was sent to him via Pixi, who had an intermediate address she couldn’t give out to anyone else to get it to him. The person said she did it on Wednesday, during the time when her son was declining rapidly and they were unaware how bad things were…people are praising her/husbands kindness in labelling it and taking it to the post office etc. she supplied a photo with the address covered, yet it was still marked ‘Johnny Depp’ at the top, so now some at the post office/courier know his intermediate address. It should have surely been addressed to one of his assistants as ‘Mr Holmes’ for example to protect that address. What I’m thinking is that is she is indeed wanting to continue grifting, keeping the JD fans on side is in her favour, the special effort made to pass on that blanket may have then prompted JD/his team to make a large donation to the funeral fund.

I don’t think Pixie is stupid…when lepplady (a JD fan who started the aquaman 2 petition), someone from JD’s team made a £500 contribution and named themselves not JD as the contributor…and that was someone JD may never have met and can’t publicly say he supports the petition without appearing bitter. I think she has good reasons to keep the JD fans on side and those reasons are financial and involve the doll maker and a continuing with YouTube. Interestingly the doll maker posted that there will be future videos on Kori’s channel as they filmed days out (although according to Pixie they never went anywhere except the hospice) and various other things over several months that haven’t yet been released. What isn’t stated is WHY months of footage would be withheld, surely the priority should have been giving Kori the instant positive feedback from those videos while he was alive, yet they have saved them for after his passing to enable the mother to benefit from the full attention.
I knew of this woman from the heart world and transplant community and from what I have seen and heard, this is the norm for her.

I lost my child 2 years ago, and am shocked how a video was posted shortly after his death. I couldn’t string two words together let along think about posting anything on social media.

I believe that the gofundme has been reported by several people. What is going to happen to any money left over? My child’s funeral (child was over 16 so wasn’t free) was just over £6000 and the headstone just under £2000

JD has written some nice words as a tribute to Kori on Instagram, but also I assume as a gesture as there is an active go fund me his team have added the link there. It’s a video with words overlaid with a link attached on an Instagram story, JD is well known for not being good with ‘computers’ so will not have done this himself, he has said in a deposition that it was Gina Deuters (his assistants wife, who got thrown off the witness stand) who managed his Instagram and he didn’t even have access/password etc. I assume he asked for it and wrote the words himself but that isn’t guaranteed seeing as he allows at least one other person to run the account. I guess that doesn’t matter for certain, the words were thoughtful, appropriate and fitting.

The donations are now up to £42k and still the doll maker hasn’t shut it down. I presume they will state leftover funds will go the hospice…but I doubt the evidence trail and receipt will be properly published. As stated above, children’s funerals are state funded, the extras wished for and listed in the go fund me do add expense, but if very important to the family that these things happen they surely would have been putting money aside to pay for this as they knew the time would be coming. This fundraiser now means the family won’t have to contribute even a penny to their own child’s extravagant funeral, which is weird, if I was in that situation out of pride I’d want to put in at least some of the money myself. Even the taxi ride home after the wake can come out of these funds.

I understand why people are touched by Kori’s passing, but I don’t understand why people are continuing to add donations when it’s clear the target has been far exceeded…are these people genuinely thinking £42k is needed or will be used for this funeral?

What also remains to be seen is how big this event will actually be. The family has amassed a lot of internet support from the JD fans…but in real life they seems to be isolated, almost loners in fact, and due to Kori’s medial vulnerability plus autism and Pixie’s (DLA claim of) schitzophrenia (can’t spell) they claim to barley leave the house or have many real life friends . How many people will they actually have to invite? Of those coming I wonder how many actually will have met Kori. The people he would have had most contact with are the staff at the hospice, I assume they might be invited. Something Pixie once said..basically she has fallen out with her own family and there is no contact with Kori’s father’s side either, the only people outside her own household I know of that she has a real life relationship with that have also met Kori are the doll maker and Stef alternerd (YouTuber), and both of those are linked to monetising YouTube channels or advertising products so it’s not clear how genuine their relationships are on a personal level.

My guess is they are either going to make it into a big event by publicising it and opening it up so random local people come to pay their respects and get a free sausage roll, or…they will keep it quiet and post a few pictures such as the horse/carriage and gravestone etc just to try to justify where the money went and try to avoid showing that it was a small event.
Pixi has uploaded a photo of Kori's body covered with a flag and a hat on his chest - she's not included his face - if she could get away with it, I'm sure she would have done!!! My son made an excellent observation - why didn't they raise this amount of money months ago to send Kori on a holiday - complete with medical staff - even if it was only to the UK coast???

Popcorned Planet and Stef are still trying to get Pixi to 100k subscribers - she's gained another 3k during this push for subscribers

The Amazon wish list is still up with 107 items on it. Many are dolls/miniature kits which Pixi is asking for, for her Youtube channel
She collects smart dolls by Dany Choo (Jimmy Choo's son) - she has payment plans to buy these dolls. If she can afford to drop £1k on a doll plus clothing - why is she grifting for funeral expenses - which are free anyway.........??????????
Wow, I'm only 9 minutes into Pixi's latest YT video - she's already hinted that she 'cannot afford' the biggest of the Choo dolls and she wants a Choo doll with a chest scar but, she 'can't afford it' - if she 'can't afford' the hobby of doll collecting, she should get a cheaper hobby!!!

She also said she has her dolls on a payment plan as she 'can't afford' to pay in full.......and she also wars others of the import costs which can be from £70-£140 per doll....

She wishes she could afford all the Choo dolls :rolleyes:
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Update on the gofundme:

UPDATE: My goodness, your support has blown us away and gone beyond our wildest imagination. It's truly amazing to see how many of you Kori has inspired and touched. In fact, because of the overwhelming support, we are able to look at using the remaining funds (after the original needs are taken care of and Pixi has been given time to mourn of course) to begin looking into starting a charity foundation in Kori's honor. "The Captain Kori Foundation". To spread awareness of childrens organ donation and help other children and families in situations similar to Koris.
GoFundMe associates have even reached out to me suggesting we up the current goal for this exact reason, to help others with this momentum. We first need to get a solicitor to begin setting something up officially. So we've adjusted our goal with that in mind and taken the first step of contact.

For full transparency, this is just the start! We are no experts so the first step is reaching out to those that are and looking how to do this properly. We have no idea how difficult or expensive this will be, so your support will help us see what's possible!
Update on the gofundme:

UPDATE: My goodness, your support has blown us away and gone beyond our wildest imagination. It's truly amazing to see how many of you Kori has inspired and touched. In fact, because of the overwhelming support, we are able to look at using the remaining funds (after the original needs are taken care of and Pixi has been given time to mourn of course) to begin looking into starting a charity foundation in Kori's honor. "The Captain Kori Foundation". To spread awareness of childrens organ donation and help other children and families in situations similar to Koris.
GoFundMe associates have even reached out to me suggesting we up the current goal for this exact reason, to help others with this momentum. We first need to get a solicitor to begin setting something up officially. So we've adjusted our goal with that in mind and taken the first step of contact.

For full transparency, this is just the start! We are no experts so the first step is reaching out to those that are and looking how to do this properly. We have no idea how difficult or expensive this will be, so your support will help us see what's possible!
I'm astounded that after just four days since his death, they're considering setting up a charity foundation. There are quite a few organ donation charities in existence who already bring awareness to organ donation and have helped to get more donors - with the 'opt out' of organ donation rather than 'opt in'. Pixi might have raised £50k now but, the sad part is - there will be more children who are terminally ill whose families will need financial support in the future....and people will move on to donate to their causes instead. This was the case with the little boys who were on life support in the last few years - where the courts got involved. The Just Giving donations reached over £150k for 'Alfie' and a charity was to be set up in his name however, the money disappeared and the Charity Commission refused the application. Charlie Gard's parents raised over £1.3 million to start their charity for mitochondrial related illnesses and it's still going strong six years later. There's only three charities for 'mito' in the UK. I'd actually forgotten the children's names and had to Google search for them.
I'm astounded that after just four days since his death, they're considering setting up a charity foundation. There are quite a few organ donation charities in existence who already bring awareness to organ donation and have helped to get more donors - with the 'opt out' of organ donation rather than 'opt in'. Pixi might have raised £50k now but, the sad part is - there will be more children who are terminally ill whose families will need financial support in the future....and people will move on to donate to their causes instead. This was the case with the little boys who were on life support in the last few years - where the courts got involved. The Just Giving donations reached over £150k for 'Alfie' and a charity was to be set up in his name however, the money disappeared and the Charity Commission refused the application. Charlie Gard's parents raised over £1.3 million to start their charity for mitochondrial related illnesses and it's still going strong six years later. There's only three charities for 'mito' in the UK. I'd actually forgotten the children's names and had to Google search for them.

I agree with everything you’ve said. Will definitely be watching this one closely, as will a lot of people no doubt. If they do manage to obtain Charity status, the end of first year accounts will make interesting reading
The following has been posted on Facebook. Whilst us on this thread knew that this would happen, nowhere on the gofundme does it mention that they are going to help the family with wants and needs whilst they grieve. What’s the betting ££££ goes on dolls!

My nightlight post of numbers and tonight a little more ❤️ For those that have not seen Kori’s GoFundMe has absolutely surpassed the original goal which Kori will have the most Beautiful Ever Forever Garden (my wording) & some to help the family with needs and hopefully some wants while they grieve. It has also done something amazing which is hopefully be the start of The Captain Kori Foundation !!! Our community- Kori’s Community is powerful with love and goodness - I’m honored to be part of everything and Proud we have so much love and compassion for each other - so please continue to share share share - We are going to make a huge difference as Kori wanted in the lives of so many children and their families ❤️❤️
'Wants and needs' - like the Danny Choo dolls ......with the excuse 'they're for my youtube channel' :mad:
I don't think Johnny Depp will go to the funeral - Jeff Beck's funeral was a fiasco with fans screaming for Johnny - and he's about to go on tour with the Hollywood Vampires around Europe and the onto the USA. I think Pixi is hoping that Depp donates million's to Kori's foundation but, he already donates huge amounts to Great Ormond Street (for saving Lily's life when she was a child) and children's hospitals in LA & Canada......
Very unlikely JD would attend, if he ever would do something like that he would want it to be private…I think his team would have the common sense to realise that Pixie would not keep his attendance or probably the funeral itself private. They actually only met for a 5min phone call where he was in character…it’s not actually a close relationship, it’s something that was a ‘wish’ so was meaningful for the family, but that doesn’t mean JD will be in for the long haul with Pixie.

I’m not surprised about this ‘foundation’. Of course excess funds could have been donated to the hospice that cared for Kori…but that would mean Pixie can’t use the funds or continue getting attention on herself. I’m not clear on what this foundation would actually achieve? Organ donation is opt out now in England…so everyone is now on the ‘register’ unless they purposely choose not to be. There is nothing to encourage from the public in response to Kori’s story? Or am I missing something obvious here?

I think it is going to be a £500 professional looking website telling Kori’s story, promoting organ donation, and Pixie doing interviews on local radio etc, then paying herself a salary for her time from the foundation funds. Then there will be fundraising or gift giving…and if they can’t find a way to justify spending it they will start giving money to other charities…but not necessarily all of it…how can we know for example if they did a sponsored run and some money is collected off-line in cash that those funds get included? I expect if there is any future fundraising it will be setting up local events I.E. taking in cash…they will soon realise that online cash donations come with the problem of leaving a paper trail.

Pixie is in no way suited to running a charitable foundation, she’s been basically asking for money/gifts/free home improvements not just for her child but for herself and her entire family continually, the idea she won’t be tempted to use the money for herself is laughable, especially now she is about to lose a car and £1k a month in benefits. If they hit the new £75k target, then spend the £15k they stated on the funeral that’s £60k Pixie has to play with. It’s either going to be used to put as much attention on her and possible grifts such as her YouTube channel as possible…or…she’s going to go into ‘deep grief’ mode and go silent and offline to avoid having to answer any questions about the money for as long as it takes for people to loose interest.

The doll maker statement on the Facebook group is different to the just giving page. I think she is testing the waters in the friendly area of a closed Facebook group to find out how people react to the idea of Pixie spending the money on herself ‘families wants and needs’ etc. the ‘forever garden’ sounds like Pixie wants a new patio laid…unless this garden is in a public open space then it’s just Pixie spending it on herself as usual. They’ve been asking for a second garden makeover for a while…

Genuine question…if you have £60k for an organ donation awareness foundation…what exactly do you spend that money on? And what benefits would you expect that to reap?
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