Few of those products are the same, she’d be saying’ look at that pay off!’ I’m looking and see nowt!!! Emperor’s New clothesWhat did she even dab on to her lips, nothing went on it at all?? Is she serious
They're like a mental Christian family or escapees from a Celtic Tiger Throwback Cult - not ableThe white outfits
You get no sense of where they are , it could be anywhere. They will definitely not end up eating pizza with a beer on the beach. It’s always primped and preened to perfection.Her holidays look so sanitised and boring. Yes, they're gorgeous luxury relaxing places without a doubt, but every single holiday looks identical to the one before.
All the huns are the same, Rosie, SoSue, the lot of them are so flipping boring
Pool - ✔, fancy suite - ✔, fancy restaurant every night - ✔, perfect wardrobe of outfits for all the family ✔
I agree. Does she explore any of the culture of the local area? Eat in a little corner cafe with the locals ? I highly doubt it.Her holidays look so sanitised and boring. Yes, they're gorgeous luxury relaxing places without a doubt, but every single holiday looks identical to the one before.
All the huns are the same, Rosie, SoSue, the lot of them are so flipping boring
Pool - ✔, fancy suite - ✔, fancy restaurant every night - ✔, perfect wardrobe of outfits for all the family ✔
God no. She just transports herself to the Greek/Portugeese version of the Westbury and quaffs champagne for the week. Rinse and repeat.I don't normally go on her Insta but she looks like a different person. The eye, the teeth - what's going on?!
I agree. Does she explore any of the culture of the local area? Eat in a little corner cafe with the locals ? I highly doubt it.
It’s a white party in the hotel. She said it in her last post. Has anyone priced Sani ? I had a Quick Look and it was €30k + that can’t be right ???